Mysterium Tremendum

The intention of mysterium tremendum is to reveal both the mask and what it hides. Art functions as Athena’s polished shield. Had Perseus looked Medusa directly in the eyes, he would have been petrified; unable to confront the monster. How do we take the history that we have buried and force it to be observed?  How do we tear down the dam that people have unconsciously built, disrupting the flow of the current people have blindly followed?  How can our suffering be forced out of mind, when it is in plain sight?

For those who wish to keep wearing the mask in order to continue their everyday lives, the mirror shines back, blinding them with the sights they are used to. Those who choose to take a deeper look within will see.

Featured Artist: Anne Antoine, Bryanna Ball, Ruben Dimas ,Stephanie Escobar, Crystal Estrada Perez, Sophia Hidalgo, Heliodoro Hinestroza, Anet Morejon, Marie Romulus, Austin Tanner, Kayleigh Thomas, B.A. Wikoff


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